The effect of laser wavelength on postoperative pain score in the endovenous ablation of saphenous vein insufficiency. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 19(4):326-329. Yazarlar: Enes Duman, Erkan Yıldırım,Tonguç Saba,Mehmet Özülkü,Murat Günday,Gökçen Çoban
Association between brain venous drainage and cerebral aneurysm formation and aneurysm rupture. Turkish Neurosurgery 2016. Yazarlar: Enes Duman, İlker Çöven,Erkan Yıldırım,Cem Yılmaz,Hüseyin Ulaş Pınar,Özgür Özdemir.
Higher dose intra-arterial milrinone and intra-arterial combined milrinone-nimodipine infusion as a rescue therapy for refractory cerebral vasospasm. Interventional Neuroradiology 2017; Yazarlar: Enes Duman,fatma karakoç,hüseyin ulaş pınar,rafi doğan,ali fırat,erkan yıldırım.
Treatment of Intra-Abdominal Cyst Hydatid Using Modified PAIR. Iranian Journal of Radiology 2017; Yazarlar: Enes Duman, egemen çifci,erkan yıldırım
Evaluation of retrobulbar blood flow and choroidal thickness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. International Ophthalmology 2017; Yazarlar: ali kal, Enes Duman, almila sarıgül,mahmut oğuz ulusoy,Öznur kal,
The effectiveness of computed tomography-guided lumbar epidural steroid injections for spinal pain management: A single center experience with 2-year follow-up. Biomedical Research 2017; Yazarlar: ali harman, Enes Duman,adnan özdemir.
The effect of pneumoperitoneum on the cross-sectional areas of internal jugular vein and subclavian vein in laparoscopic cholecystectomy operation.. BMC Anesthesiology 2016. Yazarlar: Hüseyin ulaş pınar,rafi doğan,mine konuk,egemen Çifçi, Enes Duman,Erdal Karagülle,emin türk,ömer karaca.
The Efficacy of Flow Diverter Stents in the Treatment of Wide-Necked. ıranian Journal of Radiology 2017; Yazarlar: adnan özdemir,serdar arslan, Enes Duman,erkan yıldırım,cüneyt aytekin,fatih boyvat.
Is There a Real Correlation Between Red Cell Distribution Width and Peripheral Arterial Disease? Journal of Medical Biochemistry 2017; Yazarlar: Enes Duman, sevsen kulaksızoğlu,egemen çifci,mehmet özülkü.
High Prolactin Level as a Predictor of Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage. Medical science 2017; Yazarlar: ilker çöven,atilla kırcelli,Enes Duman,hüseyin ulaş pınar,betül başaran
Requirement of intraoperative supportive procedures and complications in infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms due to iliac artery morphology. The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2017; Yazarlar:Tonguç saba, Enes Duman, cevahir haberal,ali tünel,mehmet özülkü.
The relationship between placental transfusion, and thymic size and neonatal morbidities in premature infants – A Randomized Control Tiral. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association2018; Yazarlar:Musa Silahlı,Enes Duman,Zeynel Gökmen,Erzat Toprak,Mahmut Gökdemir,Ayşe Ecevit
A Novel Technique in the Treatment of Lymphoceles After Renal Transplantation: C-Arm Cone Beam CT-Guided Percutaneous Embolization of Lymphatic Leakage After Lymphangiography. Transplantation 2018; 102(11):1955-1960., Yazarlar:İsmail OkanYıldırım,Turgut Pişkin,Enes Duman,Ali Fırat,M. Doğan,H. Taşkapan,I. Şahin,K. Saraç
Balloon dilatation of iatrogenic ureteral strictures after upper urinary tract reconstruction. Çukurova Medical Journal, 2015; 40:311-316., Yazarlar:Enes duman,erkan yıldırım,ishak akıllıoğlu,Selçuk yücesan.